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Through the HRV reading you will receive a recommendation from the app that is either coded as green, yellow or red. Green means optimal readiness and that you can proceed with your customized workout. Yellow means that your readiness is not optimal, and the app will modify your workout. Red means you need to take a day's rest from activity.



When shopping for an heart rate monitor TELEO recommends you shop at Polar or Amazon to find the best one for you!



Neck   |   Shoulders   |   Lower Back   |   Knees   |   Feet




Normal Cervical Curvature:

A curvature of the cervical spine or the vertebrae in the neck region which are concave posteriorly. This curvature increases the resilience and flexibility of the spine making its function like a spring rather than a rigid rod.














Abnormal Cervical Lordosis:

An abnormal curvature which would represent poor head posture. Ears would be in front of shoulders- increasing the curvature - causing muscle imbalance and poor stability of the joints.













Possible Injuries Related to Dysfunction:

Whiplash Injury, Concussion, Poor Posture, Disc Herniation, Brachial Plexus Injuries.


Functional Dysfunctions:

Forward Head Posture, Kyphosis, Rounded Shoulders: which can cause: headaches, migraines, concussion s/s, neck and shoulder pain, jaw pain, ear pain, muscle spasms


Muscles in Question:

Anterior: Sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, Posterior: Occipitalis, Capitis muscles, Splenius muscles deep to the Trapezius muscles bear most of the responsibility for neck extension and stabilization


Theory Behind Exercises to Stabilize Dysfunction:

When you stabilize and strengthen the intrinsic musculature of the Cervical spine then this will help maintain proper vertebrae alignment which will allow normal rotational movements to prevent dysfunctions.


















Thoracic Kyphosis/Scapular Protraction:

Thoracic curvatures are described as convex posteriorly.  This is when the thoracic spines becomes “Kyphosis” hunchback which is a dorsally exaggerated curvature.  Also, in this part of the spine one could be diagnosed with Scoliosis which is defined as an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine- Twisted disease


Possible Injuries Related to Dysfunction:

Thoracic Dysfunctions, Scapular/shoulder pain, upper back pain, scoliosis, osteoporosis, leg length discrepancies, muscle paralysis, chest and breathing dysfunctions.


Functional Dysfunctions:

Poor posture, pain, inability to reach and perform shoulder movements, breathing dysfunctions


Muscles in Question:

Trapezius, deltoid, rotator cuff, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi, iliocostalis/longissimus and spinalis thoracis, erector spine muscles, intercostals of the rib cage


Theory Behind Exercises to Stabilize Dysfunction:

Stabilize posterior muscles and lengthen pec (anterior ) chest muscles to allow an anterior posterior stabilization for spinal stability and intrinsic strength.  This will allow one to have the foundation for all head, neck, core, trunk and chest mobility and stability.



















Neutral Lumbo Pelvic Hip Complex (LPHC):

Includes but is not limited to when optimal length-tension relationships, recruitment patterns, and joint motions in muscle of LPHC establish neuromuscular efficiency throughout entire human movement system. Allow for efficient acceleration, deceleration, and stabilization during dynamic movements, as well as prevention of possible injuries.


Lumbar Lordosis:

Is when the lumbar curvature is exaggerated or swayback: picture a person with a large abdomen, pregnant women, person carrying a large load upfront.


Possible Injuries Related to Dysfunction:

Disc herniation, sciatica, spinal stenosis, Lower back pain, SI pain and instability,  Hip pain, Knee pain, arthritis, pelvic floor dysfunctions: urinary incontinence, pain


Functional Dysfunctions:

Pain, muscles imbalance, weak pelvic floor, decreased movement in low back, sacrum, hip joints, pain with sitting, standing and walking, decreased functional mobility and pain with activities of daily living.  Tight quads and hip flexors


Muscles in Question:

Erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, multifidis, internal/external obliques, rectus abdominis,  muscles of the pelvic floor, hip flexors, quads, glutes medius and maximus, quads


Theory Behind Exercises to Stabilize Dysfunction:

Research supports that the lower back is most capable of handling loading when it is in a Neutral position.  Loading in excessive flexion can lead to excessive shearing forces across the lumbar spine and repetitive flexion and extension have been strongly correlated with disc herniations.  Loading in Hyper Extension places extreme amounts of stress on the posterior portion of the spine, most notably the facet joints.  This can increase pain in the spine and lead to early onset arthritis.  Establishing and maintaining a neutral spine is critical in all forms of loading and exercise and is the leading defense against lower back pain.
















Knocked Knees:


Knee Recurvatum:

Hyperextension of the knee joint


Normal Knees:

Possible Injuries Related to Dysfunction:

Patellar subluxation, ligament laxity, ACL, PCL and MCL tears, meniscus injuries, hip injuries, bursitis, knee instability, patellar dysfunctions, menisci tears, sprains, strains, bursitis, dislocations, subluxations


Functional Dysfunctions:

Knee buckling, pain and instability with descending stairs, poor functional and endurance


Muscles in Question:

Quadriceps femoris, rectus femoris, Vastus muscles specifically the VMO = Vastus medialis, hip flexors, increased hamstring flexibility, poor quad strength, anterior and posterior tibialis


Theory Behind Exercises to Stabilize Dysfunction:

Goal to increased quad strength to allow the patella to glide and stabilize the joint.















Ankle Pronation:


Flatfoot and fallen arches


Possible Injuries Related to Dysfunction:

Knee hyper extension, knocked knee, knee instability, back pain, foot pain, tendentious, bursitis


Functional Dysfunctions:

Plantar fasciitis


Muscles in Question:

Plantar fascia, peroneal., instrins of foot, posterior tibialis, rom of ankle joint


Theory Behind Exercises to Stabilize Dysfunction:

Strengthen plantar fascia, balance and intrinsic work.

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